1. Create a blank worksheet in Excel, then switch to the Outlook email with the addresses you need.
2. Select and copy the email addresses and switch back to Excel.
3. ?Double click or press F2 in cell A1 to get it into edit mode and press Ctrl+V to paste them into the cell. Edit mode is important! 4. Press enter to get out of Edit mode and select column A. 5. From the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Text to Columns button. 6. Select Delimited and choose the Semicolon check box. You should now see each email address in separate cells across Row 1. 7. Select and copy Row 1. 8. Right click on cell A2 and select the Transpose button 9. Clear the first row and enter a column title in A1.Save and close the workbook. Switch to SharePoint. 10. Click on Lists from the Quick Launch bar. 11. Click Create at the top. 12. Choose Import Spreadsheet and complete the required fields. 13. Select the range containing your email addresses and Import. NOTE: If you subscribe to the Office Technology Today newsletter, the July issue gave you a tip to a seemingly random error message you might get when importing spreadsheets. To avoid the issue, make sure your SharePoint site is added as a trusted site in your browser?s internet options (preferably Internet Explorer),
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Source: http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/33071/sharepoint-list-from-email-addresses
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