সোমবার, ১৯ মার্চ, ২০১২

Career Advice ? Choose the Networking Group ... - Business Site

Career coaches w?ll *always* encourage ??? t? network. (If ??? meet someone wh? doesn?t, l?t m? know aptly away.) I?ve met lots ?f people wh? g?t jobs th?? h?d n? business being paid; th?? ???t knew h?w t? network. S? th? ?n?w?r t? ?Sh??ld I network?? ?? doubtless a firm ?yes.?

One element ?f networking involves joining groups. F?r many people, th?t?s a f?nt??t?? th??ght. F?r others, ?t?s a wasteful time sink.

Here ?r? 3 kinds ?f groups th?t m?? b? helpful, whether ??? ?r? actively searching f?r a n?w job ?r career ?r want t? explore n?w options.

Before joining ?r m?k?ng a commitment, attend numerous sessions. Expect ?ll t? b? warm ?nd friendly even ?? ??? ?r? searching. Take a step back ?nd ?h???? ?f ??? want t? invest ???r time before m?k?ng a commitment. It?s simpler t? ??? ?N? thanks? ?t th? beginning th?n t? withdraw once ????ve ?t?rt?d.

Job Hunting Groups

Groups such ?? th? Five O?Clock Club ?r? designed explicitly t? h?l? members develop job hunting skills ?nd g?t jobs.

Wh? th???re ????ll?nt: If ??? g?t ?nt? a dynamic group, ??? m?? g?t ????ll?nt advice.

Y?? m?ght g?t motivated simply b? participating ?n group interactions.

Wh? th?? m?? n?t b? ????ll?nt: Clients h??? t?ld m? th?t ??m? groups ?r? frustrating. Members m?? b? very different fr?m ???. Th? quality ?f advice ??? g?t w?ll depend ?n th? group ?nd th? leaders.

Affinity Groups

Examples ?f affinity groups include alumni groups ?r professional organizations (such ?? American Society f?r Training ?nd Development ?r Association ?f Women Lawyers). Th??? groups tend t? b? very focused. If ????re n?t a member ?f th? tribe, forget ?t.

Wh? th???re ????ll?nt: Typically ????re meeting people wh? ?r? ?l????d ?nd doing well. Th???re ?ft?n role models ?nd th?? m?? h??? ????ll?nt contacts. Th???re n?t ordinarily job-hunting themselves.

Wh? th?? m?? n?t b? ????ll?nt: Meeting people ?? a matter ?f luck. Y?? ??n volunteer t? serve ?n committees b?t ??? w?ll wait awhile t? see benefits.

Friendship ?nd Social Groups

Toastmasters, Audobon Society, Kiwanis ?nd similar groups ?ll claim t? b? focused ?n having fun ?nd perhaps accomplishing a worthy goal. Th?? specifically deny th?? exist f?r networking.

Disparate th? affinity groups, th?? typically accept members fr?m a diversity ?f backgrounds ?nd experience. Sometimes ??? h??? t? undergo attention processes (Toastmasters ??n feel l?k? a superannuated Boy Scout troop) b?t ?t l???t ?n theory, anyone ??n play. Activities ?r? focused ?n th? group?s mission, n?t ?n th? identities ?f th? members. S? ?f ??? join Toastmasters, ??? w?ll spend ???r time speaking.

Wh? th???re ????ll?nt: If ??? hang out awhile, ????ll m?k? strong connections.. People ?ft?n care f?r each ?th?r ?nd h?l? one another.

Wh? th?? m?? n?t b? ????ll?nt: Y??r group m?? b? composed ?f people wh? ?r? really different fr?m ???. Oft?n th?? discourage using th? grous f?r networking ?nd h?l?.

Source: http://idoai.com/?p=198

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